Warning Signs

by J.C. Runolfson

Don’t eat that.
Don’t feed that.
Don’t touch that.
no swim­ming, no fishing,
no trespassing.
Slip­pery when wet
slip­pery when the moon is full
slip­pery at the crossroads
han­dle with care.
Do not disturb
drag­on on duty
waterba­by on board.
Avoid con­tact with skin or eyes.
Look at only sidelong.
Pro­longed expo­sure may cause addiction.
Do not sum­mon by name
sharp­ened edges and pointy teeth
con­tents under pressure.
Volatile substance,
use only as directed,
keep away from chil­dren and pets.
You must be this tall to play
(you must be this tall to run)
do not expect to main­tain an upright position.
May cause drowsi­ness, insom­nia, headache, nosebleed,
nau­sea, heartache, hal­lu­ci­na­tions, visions,
vis­i­ta­tions, delir­i­um, death, or soul loss.

Read the fine print.

J.C. Runol­fon’s award-nom­i­nat­ed work has appeared in Gob­lin Fruit, Stone Telling, Myth­ic Delir­i­um, and Scheherezade’s Bequest, among oth­ers. She’d live under­wa­ter if it wouldn’t short out her lap­top. As it is, she lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 

One Response to "Warning Signs"

  • Ahhh! I came for the Patri­cia Rus­so but am enchant­ed by the J.C. Runolf­son! *excel­lent* poem!

    1 Asakiyume said this (June 27, 2012 at 10:46 pm)